
How much money would it take to sign Jeremy Lin?

First I am going with the assumption that thePacersmatch the deal for Hibbert because for starters they have the cap space and it would be really stupid for them not to match and we all know that Kevin Pritchard is not stupid what so ever. TheKnickshave their sights onSteve Nashand appear to be leading to acquire his services. It would probably take a sign and trade and theSunswould do it because their front office will agree if this is where Nash wants to play.

Houston has set up a meeting with Lin but I doubt if he signs there because they still have Lowry (who wants to be traded) and also FA PGGoran Dragicwho wants to stay in Houston but reports say they are far apart on salary. I think Houston really wants to keep Dragic and might be using Lin as leverage in negotiations.

So that leaves Portland who has ran through quite a few PG over the last 5-6 seasons with no one really worth keeping on a long term bases. Lillard could change that given time but why throw a rookie to the wolves especially with him coming from a conference that lacked legit opposition on a night to night bases. There have been whispers about maybe Billups signing here in Portland giving that Olshey brought him to LAC last season but Billups has already stated that he wants to return to LA and I doubt if Allen would want to overpay on a 35 year old PG coming off ripping his achilles.

Jeremy Linis a very good shooter and could make things so much easier for LA who hardly ever gets any easy baskets because the PG that we have had could not break their man down on defense and get in the paint and cause opposing big men to have to react. Lin lived in the paint this season and If the Blazers could ever get a PG who can do this and also knock down open jumpers could really turn LA into a superstar. He has never had this since playing in Portland. I think that Lillard and Lin could be a great 1 2 combination.