
Lillard vs Lin

Seeing how FA is turning out, you know what would've made me happy?

Draft Drummond, draft Leonard,Hire D'Antoni, signJeremy Lin. With Drummond and Leonard we get a lot of size and pretty good odds at least one of them will work out.

But more importantly we hire my favorite coach (still could happen) and my favorite player in the league.

Now I'm not here to argue whether Lin is better than Lillard. The fact is I don't know, and you don't know. Some of you may have more knowledge than me, maybe you have some very good hunches or stats.

I'm just speaking, as a Blazers fan what would get me excited for the team again and it is D'Antoni and Lin. Now could Lillard become a all-star,Chris Paultype? Maybe, I hope so and I'm rooting for him to be a great player.

But hypothetically let's say Lillard becomes a bust wheras Lin develops into a all-star. If this happens I will NEVER forgive this franchise. We could've signed Lin off waivers, we wiffed. We had another chance to sign him right now and we didn't. We drafted Lillard instead. From my POV we chose Lillard over Lin.

I use to trust front office people, assumed they knew what they were doing. Oh we're not draftingDeron Williamsor Chris Paul and trading down forMartell Webster? I'm sure they have a good reason, those guys are proabably not very good. WRONG. I got burned once so the Blazers are on notice.

If Lillard becomes an all-star this will obviously be moot. If Lillard is a bust and Lin turns out to be not very good I will have nothing to say. But if, IF Jeremy Lin develops into a perennial all-star and Lillard turns out to be a bust? I will not be able to let go.

Just the thought of Lin and D'Antoni here in Portland, I would've bought my first Blazers jersey dammit. (I've never bought one because they were too expensive).

你抢了我的美丽的梦所以开拓者better deliver, LILLARD better deliver.