
Glass Half Empty

Its starting to feel like the Blazers may be on the outside looking in a week form today...many of the good Paln B and C guys are getting snapped up. We may be picking off the scrap heap again unless Olshey can do some real wheeling and dealing-which may not be a good thing when it comes to his favorite key words: "sustainability" and "asset acquisition".

If Indy matches Hibbert, we have a real issue at the C position. Blazers potential plan B guy - Hawes - just resigned with Philly. Asik is on his way to Houston, Thabeet to OKC and that leaves some real garbage available in the FA pool. It may beChris Kamantime at a way bigger number than he's worth or Blazers want to pay....or a trade.

Even worse at PG. Lillard has been tagged "franchise" by Olshey. Does that mean he starts game one/day one? When I hear "franchise" thats what I think. We know any FA Points are dropping like flies....we never had a shot at the big boys, but Dragic is going to theSuns; Billups won't want to play mentor on this team and, much like Center position, very little desireable crumbs left in FA market (you don't wantJameer Nelsonplaying here, unless you liked Felton last year)....that leaves trade possibilities and no up and comer or Vet worth his salt wants to come in to a team with their "franchise" PG in place.

Batum situation is even more bizarre. His Agent is clearly in an unfamiliar situation. Does MInny really want him or not? Can Ndaye play the public relations spin game and work it to his advantage? Blazers have no depth at SF/SG on the roster....and Batum is not worth $11 mil per year, especially if we lose out on Hibbert and Olshey feels like he needs to match Batum to save the summer. A sign and trade sceanario with Minny for Batum is only going to benefit the T-Wolves, as Love, Peckovic and Rubio would not be part of a deal andDerrick Williamsand Ridnour could have been had for far less a few months ago. If they had a starting SF or SG on that roster, they wouldn't gbe going after Batum in the first place.

In addition to all the above we have no coach to sell to free agents, no depth at PF behind Lamarcus and nothing but young, unproven players who have little or no trade value. Standing pat, pulling the covers over your head and hoping the bad man goes away unitl 2013 is no good option either. Olshey is running out of players to try and entice as FA's/UFA's and any realistic trade scenario may involve the Blazers taking on another Raef LaFrenz-type contract or giving up too much future flexibilty to land a meaningful player or even a starter.

Glass is half full if you're pouring, half empty if you're drinkin'.