
Pacers fans and Hibbert...

Wow, I'm really surprised at how many Pacer fans are either indifferent or actually do not want the team to match. I would have thought after after making it all the way to the Eastern Conference champions fans would be mortified at the thought of letting him walk. Man, if we made into the playoffs and the Blazers had LA in that situation (also a first time All-Star I might add) I would think we would be barging down Paul Allen's door in anger.

I just scoped through a bunch of Fanpost/shots on their SB site and it seemed like at least a third of them were all about how Hibbert is not worth it, or about who the alternatives should be. It almost kind of worries me a bit. Here are some examples...

UPDATE: I also just found this article...again...worrisome. Did Olshey make the right move here???