
Fanpost Contest—1977 Trailblazers: A Soldier's Story


爸爸在我的兄弟和我灌输了昂贵但值得的自由价格。他鼓励我们找到服务我们国家的方法-to find an honorable expression of our gratitude for living in a nation of freedom and safety.




My very entrance into a coffee shop or pizza parlor prompted abrupt silence and/or stares of contempt. Patrons would part like the Dead Sea as I made my way to a table. They either hated me for what I had done or feared me for what I might do.

What had become of my homeland?

Only the unconditional acceptance of my family and closest friends got me through those first days of my return.


With an ever-increasing heaviness my countenance became darker and more downcast. I let my hair and beard grow in an attempt to hide the person even I was now beginning to hate.



In the years that followed, though they were perennial losers, I looked forward to the winter months when I could tune in to hear my Trailblazer games. In a way, we shared a similar path: bottom-feeders, with little respect, seemingly going nowhere.

的n, in 1974 the Blazers acquired through the draft, the three-time college MVP from UCLA, Bill Walton. He was a shy, tall redhead (like me) with an independent counter-culture streak.

With his red ponytail and paisley headdress, he became my hero.

沃尔顿花了几个NBA季节,真正进入自己。随着新秀的增加Lionel Hollins.1975年,该团队开始表现出更美好未来的迹象。这两个基本作品加入了Lloyd Neal,Bobby Gross和Larry Steele的喜欢。我沉浸在拓展器中,并以一种替代的方式,开始与他们一起进入这个光明的未来。


In 1976,莫里斯卢卡斯and "Pinball" Dave Twardzik came to Portland in the ABA dispersal draft. Under the direction of new coach Jack Ramsey, the team improved dramatically. They recorded their first winning season at 49-33 and...and...made the playoffs!

I crept out of the shadows and began to notice other Trailblazer fans around town. The Vietnam War had officially ended in 1975 and though it's echoes had not faded for me, it seemed the town-folk - indeed the nation - was ready to heal.

No one really expected the Blazers to go far in the playoffs. But they quickly dispatched the芝加哥公牛队在短短的三场比赛中。


A fevered frenzy was developing in the Northwest as the underdog Trailblazers faced the mighty Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and his湖人队in the conference finals.


的Laker series was over in four games - and it wasn't the Blazers who whimpered home with their tail between their legs.

All over Oregon (and parts of Washington and California) Trailblazer fans were coming out of the woodwork-而且我从我的贝壳中出来了。现在被称为Blazermania的感染性爆发是我曾经屈服于屈服的最好的疾病。似乎每次升级的成功水平都享受了开拓者,我能够剥掉另一层限制黑暗。

这是一个新的,未明确的领土,为恰当的普通的铅开花。今年之前从未去过季后赛,他们实际上不知道如何在NBA决赛中采取行动。他们面临来自东方的力量,朱利叶斯·埃文Philadelphia 76ers


An eerie silence fell over Blazer Nation. It was almost as if we'd forgotten Blazermania...



It was crazy madness in the Coliseum-在每个电视和州的每台电视台面前!


我不能告诉你这对我的意思是什么,因为我的Alter-Ego赢得了那场比赛on foreign soil.Not only was it a tremendous symbolic victory for me - it set up the possibility of winning the championship at home.

As every true Trail Blazer fan knows, the rest is history. Portland won the World Championship on that hot, June day in 1977. The bedlam poured out of Memorial Coliseum and into the streets of every city in Oregon.

在我的小镇,我们都成为了那一天。的jagged, tense edges of our differences didn't seem to matter anymore. I decided, in the glow of victory, if I could lay down my pain on this day, then why not tomorrow, and the next day...?

It was a catalytic spark which started the chain reaction to my eventual healing.

A rush of emotion overwhelmed me. It broke through the logjam of poison I had crammed inside all those years. A torrent of release brought tears I thought would never end.



(originally written November, 2008)