
Blazersedge site launch - lessons learned

作为全日制的Web Analytics专业人员,为全球网页公司,我认为值得编制来自西装外套边缘的重新汲取的一些经验教训。

1) Test before launch - not applicable here: the major industry standard here is A/B testing where a segment of traffic is routed to the new site and key metrics like time on site, page views, engagement, posts, etc is measured vs. the new site. This normally works on minor modifications vs. a full relaunch which is so jarring that no matter how great it will slow down engagement as users to relearn the site

2)习惯的力量 - 一本伟大的书和一个值得阅读的人,以展示人们如何习惯于事物以及精神过程如何运作。像旧的那样丑陋是最常见的用户可以在很少的心理能源中导航,因为他们的页面记忆和习惯性可以导航。设计中的任何重大转变,尤其是这大,都会跳跃,需要一段时间,让关键用户恢复并制作新的习惯

3)速度(缺乏)杀戮 - 正如我发现我的公司网站的分析,甚至秒数的秒数甚至可以等同于销售额的显着和可衡量的下降或在这种情况下。在这里,我们看到了速度和性能的重大下降。我认为这种性能等同于较重的使用,但可能是更重的重量页面(图片值1K字)。

4) Bigger isn't always better - user feedback about font size and my opinion of large layouts blocks have reduced the data density. If we look at content (words) pre/post relaunch the content density has dramatically dropped causing a user to scroll around to get the same amount of information as they had before. A key example are the stories and their beautiful visuals that have a small blurb vs. the prior site that had headline and a paragraph to talk about the story. The reader just lost the ability to quickly review if they want to know more about the article and is now forced to pogo in/out of each story to stay up to date at a high level

5) Thinking kills - as has show in their quest of ecom dominance friction in the user experience is detrimental to happiness. Here in BE land we now have friction blocks all over the place. Examples being a recommendation of other fanposts between a fanpost and the fanposts' comments, the large block here makes the comments farther down, more scroll, more friction, less engagement.

6)移动(不)优化 - 还需要说什么

7)导航是关键,我不是在说苹果与谷歌 - 谷歌是什么,这是我们所知道和喜爱的顶级网站导航现在已经消失,并被一个专注于SBNITION的顶级导航所取代。虽然这很好地推广更广泛的品牌,但不幸的是,我们已经失去了在没有“折叠之下”的情况下导航的能力,以找到现场内部导航。此外,现场内部导航现已“干净”强制使用用户来翻转并下拉以执行其行动。

8)登录 - 使用Facebook连接到从文章登录,将您带到SB Nation Home Forcing用户可以回到家中发表评论。

What can be done to make this better:
1)继续迭代设计网站- 3 party companies like Monetate may worth exploring. The key here is test small iterations of changes against a limited user base to see how it affects engagement before doing launches. This will ensure successful improvements to the website and user happiness

2) Evolution vs. revolution - focusing on continual evolution like has done vs. a big bang relaunch is a more gradual and habit evolving path to improvement. Major evolutionary changes should, ideally, have a mental reference point.. so if the nav changes the look & feel ok, as long as it stays at top.

3) Faster, faster, faster - look at using Akamai or other content hosting companies to increase the performance here. I'm sure there is a lot of technology tweaks as well (more servers?). Also make sure that page load times and user engagement metrics are constantly being tracked and design changes are put through the filter of speed.

4)增加数据密度 - 查看减少字体大小和布局块,以最大限度地减少摩擦和接合。一个贴面例子是Craigslist,而“丑陋”是高度可用的,非常密集和快速。图形设计师可能讨厌它(强调链接???),但用户喜欢它。

5)去除摩擦阻滞剂 - 查看每个拼图,以在用户之间的阻塞和摩擦点和它们在视线中交互之间的摩擦点。视觉提示,内容障碍等。所有应该审查

6)移动优化 - 我将把它留给正常的移动标准 - 使其清洁,简单,移动可读。减少钻头进出以移动。

7)导航 - 将内部站点置于标题SB NAV栏下面的顶部,爆炸出关键链接(Fanpost /镜头),因此用户不必为他们真正想要的东西捕猎

8)记录ME - 让Facebook Connect直接登录并返回您所在的文章。很简单。
