
United Feedback

Curious to know if this is final version of the new version?

I mean, is there any reason to give feedback, or is this all stuff rolling down hill from the SB Nation United design team?

For BE this feels like a set back. But I understand the move to unify and update SB Nation Blogs. The impression I get is that the goal here is to make SB Nation more competitive with ESPN, Grantland, etc. But it doesn't feel like it has been done for the members of blogging communities that are already here.

I've never really paid that much attention to other SB blogs were but experience tells be they pale in comparison to BlazersEdge, so I guess maybe this kind of change addresses problems of audience capture and retention that other parts of SB Nation have or had. I don't know. I'll make a few suggestions below the jump and then be done with it and will try to learn the new site. The community and the writing make Blazers Edge what it is and I will be here for as long as the community remains as solid as it has been no matter how, ugly (or pretty) it might be.

- Intra-site navigation bar at the top would be really really really great.

- If the photo spread at the top could collapse and expand I would have no problem with it. As it is at the moment it often feels like it's getting in the way. (If this was collapsed then the intra-site nav bar would be at the top, two birds with one stone).

- The flip-flopping lay out of articles and black side bars in the chronological feed is not awesome, helpful, atheistic or anything other than first confusing and later awfully irritating. If it was consistent with the feed on one side and the fanposts, fanshots, etc on the other then it's no problem, and probably an improvement.

- Story streams seem like a good idea in theory, but at the moment they seem to hide new content in "old story" boxes.

- Fanpost and fanshot layouts are great!

- Mobile could be good if / when speed and stabliity issues are resolved.

As I see Timmay! has suggested else where I will send these ideas