
REVOLUTION! A New BlazersEdge Altogether?

Time for the revolution. More after the jump!

It's pretty obvious to most that, visually, this site is bad. And I have a hard time believing anyone who says otherwise. Can we at least all agree that "This incarnation is not as good as the previous incarnation."?


So, I'm just a guy with an idea. Not any sort of actual skill in the area of my idea.

What's the idea?

A new BlazersEdge.

A new website, created by the web developers of our readership populace. Wordpress? Blogger? I don't know. Bring Dave with us. Bring Ben with us. Timmay!, you're coming too. TDarkstar, Corvid, and all the other Moderators I can't remember because your handles are no longer conveniently listed at the bottom of each blog/fanpost/fanshot're coming too.

Obviously it can't be called Blazer's Edge. But I'm sure we can come up with something that will attract the readership. Blazer Sedge? Blazerz Edge? It can be figured out.

Mimic the layout, font, features of the REAL BlazersEdge as closely as possible. Bring it back to what it's all about. The Portland Freakin' Trailblazers. Blog posts. Chronologically. A picture here and there. Thats it. We don't need flair. Dave is the flair. Ben is the flair. The Gameday Thread is the flair. Oh, and we can get a good logo too!

That's all I really have to say. I give my idea very bad odds at getting anywhere. But who knows? Maybe Ben/Dave/Timmay!'s words are a façade and they'd actually be on board for getting back to what BlazersEdge is really about?

Blazer'sEdge is Dead. Long Live Blazer'sEdge!