

While I agree with those who think the new site sucks, on multiple levels, in many ways, I am still loyal to Blazersedge. I wont be leaving. Even though Ive never met any of the folks on here face to face, I feel like Ive known them all for years, thats the mods and all the fellow bloggers on here. Ive put to much time and effort into being here that I cant just turn that off and get my Blazers fix elsewhere. The relationship I have with this site is similar to how I feel about the Blazers themselves-I will always be a fan, and that will never change. So I beg any of you, who think this new site revamp is grounds for your exiting and never coming back-PLEASE STAY!! It would be a shame for what is the true heart and soul of this site(US) to leave it now when it needs us the most. Anyways, I personally hope yall stick around. The season is just about to begin and I enjoy your company