
LaJunkish 9/whatever today is/2012

Hallooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! What's going on here? I start grad school, take a little hiatus, and this place falls a part. No junk drawer, the site forgot how to organize posts chronologically or by popularity, we get a new logo, Sheed unretires, and there's still no edit button for comments!

Anyway, I thought I'd share some musings on life before I disappear for another six weeks.

1) In order to get a high-level security clearance, some agencies will investigate/inquire about your "sexual behaviors," which means no more watching movies with Mortimer D-":

2) They also ask about your illegal download habits, so don't borrow hoodie's hard drive. Ever.

3) Grad school is like, seriously, what the heck, man.

4) Despite the fact that its best blog just went kaput, Portland is still the greatest city on Earth, ever.

Anyway, miss you fools. Peace out!
