所以我想简单介绍一下前几款游戏。什么样的新秀会让自己变得与众不同,看起来会在联盟中变得优秀?最支持我的当然是迈克尔·卡特·威廉姆斯。他是我最想要的人,考虑到他的身材,我觉得他和达米安和尼克在一起会很好。NBA的“位置”和过去不一样了。比如最后一个,巴图姆整晚都有帕克。纯人才方面,我首先想要的是MCW,显然我们没有得到他。这不是对麦科勒姆的抨击,因为当我们仍然抓住他的时候我很高兴,然而我有点沮丧。以MCW的身高,他在1号,2号和3号位上是可以互换的。你不能教他长度,显然他对球很有嗅觉,也能找到空位。 His big hit was shooting, which is something that is a lot more teachable, just by changing a form and repetition. Let me know what other rookies you think are hitting it off that would have been good alternatives to CJ in that draft range that are impressing you so far. I have already stated mine!