


CBSSports.com的马特·摩尔分析了联盟中排名前五的大前锋,并对他们进行了排名。这是这个论坛经常讨论的一个话题,我认为摩尔为他的排名做出了合理的解释。以下是他的结论:爱2。LMA 3。安东尼戴维斯4。波什5。格里芬。波什在很大程度上仍然是勒布朗·詹姆斯可以使用的武器,格里芬仍然让你想要,即使你知道他是这个名单上最过分和不必要的批评。戴维斯还很年轻,如果你注意的话,你会发现他还有很多需要学习的东西。 LMA-Love is a legitimate fight and the one that will most likely lead to that bloodshed I mentioned earlier. But to watch Kevin Love is to watch a player who can score from anywhere, any time, no matter the defense or defender, is the best passing power forward in the game and its not close (no other player on this list can be given the ball at the high pinch post and quarterback a possession without dribbling once), and is consistently the biggest reason his team wins. To make this into an argument is to try and raise the level of all the superb players listed, but so far this season, it's hard to come up with an answer but "Kevin Love" to "Who is the best power forward in the league this season?"