我不知道你们是否听过Mike和Mike (Mike Greenburg和Mike Golic;不是巴雷特和赖斯),但昨天我在上班的路上听了一些广播里的迈克和迈克节目。有时它们会让我心烦,这一次就是其中之一,尽管我同时也很高兴。让我感到困扰的部分是,他们抱怨篮球运动员在扣篮或三分后举行小型庆祝活动,但他们却很好,支持达阵庆祝活动。他们没有提到任何关于QB解雇庆祝,但我想他们也支持这些。那东西让我很烦。关于篮球庆典,他们谈论的其中一件事就是“三镜”。迈克·格林伯格说,在他看过的每一场AAU比赛中,所有的孩子都在投进每一个三分球后扬起“三镜”。这一点,我很高兴。尽管这让他们非常恼火,但当我知道这款游戏是由俄勒冈州波特兰市的一个小型市场团队所创造时,我不禁会心一笑。 And although it only lasted for 1 season, it had a lasting impression on today's youth basketball players. As I write this it I am reminded of Stan Van Gundy going off on one of his in-game tangents about how he hates the '3 goggles' thing so much. Although the '3 goggles' contribution to the world of basketball pales in comparison to the Blazers emphasis on utilizing international players when the rest of the league was hesitant to do so, I find pleasure in knowing it came from Portland. I could say a whole lot more about Mike and Mike, like how they dont know how many players are on an nba roster, and other stuff but to avoid writing a book Ill just stop now.