
Brandon Roy hoping to play one more game this season (via NBC)

I dare you to read this without exhaling a little. Or maybe rolling your eyes. Or silently rooting on a player who fundamentally changed our team in just a few short years, whose genetics, luck, or combination of both forced him to leave far too soon:

For a player who was supposed to be with the Blazers for a decade or more, it's a bitter pill to swallow. For me, with all the attempted comebacks and setbacks, it's more like smashing up a giant aspirin and taking it fragment by fragment, rather than forcing it down all at once.

I know some people are sick of theBrandon Royposts. I think for all he meant to the team, and considering his struggle, that he deserves a peck of recognition here and there. So, consider this a peck of respect and acknowledgment to Brandon as he continues his journey toward finding peace with his career and himself.