



利拉德本赛季计划帮助波特兰招募自由球员。“这取决于我们的球队需要什么,但如果我喜欢市场上的一名球员,我知道他对我有兴趣,我当然会去联系他们,”利拉德说。“我会尽我所能帮助球队变得更好。”“我只是觉得波特兰是个好地方,”利拉德说。“这里的人很棒。如果他们想在这样一个城市打球,无论你的赛季是好是坏,是连败还是连胜,球迷都会在那里,我们的球迷会给你打球的动力。“他们每场比赛都在那里支持我们,当你在场上的时候,这是非常鼓舞人心的。当比赛似乎遥不可及时,他们就会不断地欢呼。每一场比赛都是如此。”利拉德说:“作为一名专业人士,你不应该去一个充满干扰和麻烦的城市。” "For me, I think this is the perfect place. I go out to movies, dinner, but I am able to take care of my business and focus. That's what I'm here for." And that's why you shouldn't expect Lillard to bolt as soon as his rookie deal is up. He's not a fan of moving all over the place. He had the opportunity to transfer to a bigger college once his name blew up at Weber State but he didn't. He said he chose not to because he was at a school that believed in him from the jump and he wanted to grow and develop with the guys he came in with. Similar to his current team. "I like what we have here," he said. "I think we have a lot of good players now, and all of our good players now are young. It would be great for us to build what we have here. Since we're all together now and young, I think we have a bright future together. "I'm happy with this. I like this city. I like the love that the fans show me. I come from a loyal family so as long as this organization is going to be loyal to me, I'm going to be loyal to them and do what I can to help us grow and bring talent here."