
Trading for Gortat

The best and cheapest center that we can get IMO is Gortat. He has a 7.2 mil contract and is a decent defender (miles better than jj) with some offense. His small contract will also enables us to make a splash in free agency to get Evans, mayo etc.

The question is what would be reasonable for Gortat?

A lot of people are saying Meyers, Freeland and $3mil but I would really hate to give up on Meyers. A center with his offensive skill set and athletic ability cannot be a bust. We should at least groom him until he becomes quality trade value if he is still not the right fit for the team.


Would #12 pick, freeland, 3 mil, secound rounder be enough?

That would give us 16.5 mil in capspace - 7.2 mil Gortat contract = 9.3 mil left for free agency