

我想如果开拓者走保守路线,我不会感到失望,因为今年的保守路线会非常有效,因为他们有质量不错的自由球员。我们可以用它做很多事情,它就像唾液一样。我认为所有的整体都可以固定在一个有能力的lvl上。中锋Draft Dieng,得到jermain O'Niel大约300万,和10现在的PF一起工作,得到Dejaun Blair/Brandon Wright,我都很乐意,大约200万,现在是800万。SF得到martel Webster或等价球员2万,现在是6。得分后卫得到了OJ梅奥或者杰瑞特杰克。现在在0 PG辞去市长和Mle。仅仅用帽子,我们就得到了这支球队——利拉德/梅耶尔得分后卫马修斯/杰克或梅奥/巴顿SF巴图姆/韦伯斯特/克拉维尔前锋阿尔德雷奇/布莱尔/弗里兰C莱昂纳德/奥尼尔/邓。我认为这是一支第二轮稳固的球队。得分后卫和Sf的替补席上有很多能在替补席上投出自己投篮的球员,巴顿-杰克,梅纳,有这样的替补球员真好。杰克/梅奥和马特尔都是好枪手。布莱尔是个很好的记者在大人物的游戏里。我认为他可以在18分钟内给我们7分6篮板。 Plus he defends post well with his size and strength. The same can be said for wright all the i dont think he is as consitant as blair playing solid minutes. Dieng and Oniel are perfect centers for us. They both play good defense and deing is a good passer which works great in stotts system. Our 4 rookies are going to all get better. Barton and claver will have a little more consitancy and hopefully improved jumpers. nice win on these two. Leonards defense will be mediocre at best with some nice flashes and nice plays throughout the season. Lillars over all game will improve particularly his playmaking and hopefully crisper passing and some defemse. So all this can be done with just cap and no other moves although i did not figure in second round pics