
5-11 Junk: BBQ edition

正如每个读取垃圾的人应该知道了, Tyler Durrden and his wife Mrs. Durrden kindly hosted a BBQ potluck at their new home tonight.

TD makes a mean taco and the new back yard is as nice as advertised. If he ever invites us (or even just you) over again, you should be sure to go! I'm pretty sure Mrs. D. also makes a mean cookie, but I was too full to eat one. I should have taken one for the road.

Prez hauled a big TV over to watch the second game, but the conversation stayed good enough that as far as I know, they never got around to watching it.

I have photos! We have this beautiful cake to thank for reminding us about photos. Mrs Prez made it and it was delicious:


More photos:



Mrs. Prez was at the edge of my photos, and I wasn't sure if she wanted to be included in the post.

EK managed to stay out of the photos altogether, but here's one of him:


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's him.

A good time was had.