
McCollum, with measurables

CJ isn’t a great athlete. Comparing anyone to Rose and Westbrook’s athleticism will give you the same answer. They were saying in general CJ is lacking. Its the truth.

里沃德是一个巨大的200磅PGDerrick Rosecombine stats. CJ is missing a few inches, 15-20lbs and the athleticism to make up for it all the while sitting in one of the most athletic NBA positions with many of the Elite players staring him down.

I was having a "discussion" with someone in Aprilabout McCollum's athleticism and measurements and his potential as a combo guard--someone who could play both the 1 & 2. My argument was that McCollum was plenty athletic--virtually a clone of Dame not only in measurements but in background, scoring mentality/production, and BBIQ. In my opinion, he would be a great bench guy who could play 25-30 minutes a night backing up the 1 & 2 and dropping 18/night. I had argued that we should wait for measurables before we can make a definitive assessment on his athleticism and before we could decide he was "weaker" than Dame.

We now have the measurables:


CJ is bigger (height and weight) and tests (slightly) faster in sprints and agility, though he gives up a little in leaping measurements and hand size.

I believe my assessment stands. This guy is a virtual clone of Damian in every way imaginable. If we keep this pick and don't move up, if CJ is there, you have to take him. He's a needle-mover in the same way that Dame is. Use him off the bench playing against the other team's bench guys, and you have solved much of your bench issues.

But, in the end, I don't think we are keeping this pick, using it as trade bait for a C. CJ is going to be a player in this league, though, and I think all of the data supports this interpretation.