

我知道所有的Bedgedom都处于“现在就赢”模式,我相信不会缺少关于如何做到这一点的帖子。因此,为了与众不同,我想我今天要带上凯文·普里查德的帽子,采取逆向投资的方法。毕竟,这是一年中神奇的时刻,我们所要做的就是梦想未来。我很确定ole KP说过,“为了最大化汇票资产,要在弱汇票中向上移动,在强汇票中向下移动”,或者类似的话。所以让我们看看如果我们进入完全的Pritchslap模式,并尝试重新创建B-roy LMA草案场景会发生什么。我们的计划是完全按下重置按钮,看看我们可以用这个薄弱的草案来积累多少好的资产。1 .购买达拉斯的13号。他们需要空间去对付德怀特。我们可能不得不接受一份小合同,但当我完成这个名单的时候,工资就会很好。步骤2)用4、5、6号左右的巴金来交换。 Step 3) Trade LMA to Cleveland for #1 and another asset. Probably #18 this year, a future 1st, or特里斯坦·汤普森.第四步:换掉2-3个第二轮的球员,得到一个最后的第一轮。我希望在20-25之间,就像新泽西在这一点上是一个很好的合作伙伴。所以现在我们有#1,#5,#10,#13 #18(或TT), #22左右。这对我来说也太多了。让我们看看能不能巩固一下,再上升几个名次。在这一点上,我有点纠结。选择太多了。我认为我的偏好是打包13号和22号(如果必要的话再加一点甜头),以获得另一个前10名。我越看那个18号/攻略的选项,就越觉得他更像特里斯坦·汤普森,我只是想让他继续训练。 So now you've basically got #1, #5ish, #8ish, and your original #10 in a weak draft. You have no Batuum or LMA but you do have one additional asset from Cleveland that I'm calling Tristan Thompson right now. It could be a future first rounder or this years #18 if you prefer. Who do you draft and how good of a team can you make a couple years from now? I was going to start with Nerlens and hope for another lottery pick in next years supposedly strong draft. But then I saw this..."The other real concern is that Noel tore the same ACL that he had torn as a sophomore in high school. After coming back faster than doctors had recommended, some wonder if this recent injury was inevitable and whether there could be structural damage making further injuries to the same knee more likely."...I'm out. So with that in mind. #1 Otto Porter: I take him first so I don't accidently get stuck with 2 shooting guards. #5 Oladipo: I'd rather have Mclemore, but Porter probably wouldn't be here at this point and I gotta have him since I traded Nicola. #8 Cody Zeller: Everything you don't like about him isn't really a problem at my newly opened 4 spot. #10 Alex Len/Steve Adams I'm not sure which I like best yet, but a center to compliment/push迈耶斯伦纳德这里有一个方向或另一个方向。所以现在你在每个位置都很长或者很健壮。你也有大量的薪金空间和资产,所以你可以抢购任何一个出现在市场上的超级球星,类似于休斯顿火箭队詹姆斯·哈登.当然,简而言之就是保留你所有的资产,只要从达拉斯得到13号,和10号(或者韦斯)打包,然后向奥拉迪波进攻,然后收工。