
Chris Andersen, The Center of Now?

In the never ending search for someone to fill our hole at center,Chris Andersenhas begun to intrigue me more and more with his stellar play late in the season and playoffs. He is certainly a giant personality (does anybody on our team have the clout to put him in his place, like Lebron or Wade surely have?), and has some things in his past that make you a bit leery. But, on the court he is exactly what we need. High energy, productive rebounder and rim protector, and can finish pick and rolls.

Obviously, at 34 years old, he is not a long term solution, but he could be a great stop gap for a year or two while either Meyers or our pick at #10 (Adams) developed? You might be able to get him on a two year deal, with the second year either non-guaranteed or a team option. The price he would command would leave you with additional cap space to target further depth at wing.

What do you think? Intrigued? Or, is your brain hurting at the thought?