
Poison Contract ( remember Lin's and Asik's contract last year)

TheHouston Rocketswas successful in getting RESTRICTED free agents last year by using these kind of contracts. Remember that the Rockets has only payed Lin and Asik around $5M for last year and this upcoming season. The poison contract will give them $14M each for the 2014-2015 season.

I'm stating these facts for reader's to know that:

-Bad End-

1) This is the reason that the rockets are trading them so that they will maintain cap flexibility for the future seasons to build aroundJames Hardenand maybeDwight Howard.

2) Trading for Asik to will commit us with $19M left in his contract. 14M for the 2014-2015

thus, results to blazers not having cap flexibility and will only lead us to pay the luxury tax with a team that is not going to contend for even the west finals.

-Good End-

1) Trading for T-Rob is a smart move by our current GM rather then getting Asik and losing more assets that our team currently lacks.

2) Having these kinds of contracts may be one of our greater chances to sign a restricted free agent that should elevate the team to the next level, given the fact that we have limited cap space.

Tips on moving forward(my opinion only):

-Don't trade for Asik while giving much assets because that kind of trade will make it hard for us to solve our current problems

-Our chances of getting a great center is not in this year's free agency and that a trade will do given that we should accumulate assets that will make us a good trade partner with other teams while not giving up one of our core four.

Feel Free to comment your insight and there is a poll to create a discussion.