
Cross-pollinating Movie Characters Junk Drawer August 12, 2013

It's time to take movie-making to a new level, because every movie I see has a been-there-done-that feel to me. What would really renew my interest in movies is a techinque I'll call the cross-pollination of characters.

Hugo Weaving is a perfect example. He's well-known for his roles as Agent Smith inThe Matrixand Elrond inLord of the Rings.I'd like to see a spoof of, say, LOTR, in which Elrond morphs into Agent Smith at certain moments, which flabbergasts the other characters in the scene, who must figure out what happened to Elrond and how to deal with Agent Smith, as well as envy him for his cool sunglasses.


Alan Rickman played Severus Snape in the Harry Potter movie and Hans Gruber in Die Hard. I'm thinking it would have been nice for Gruber to morph into Snape, mount Bruce Willis on a rocking horse, dress him in a diaper, and stuff a lollipop in his big mouth.Ride 'im, cowboy!


And I can't imagine any sitcom or documentary that wouldn't immediately be improved by random characters turning into the Hulk.


The possibilities are endless. Someone stuff all the copyright lawyers in a closet and let's have some fun!