
An interesting prospect for this Blazer roster

This year's TB roster got me harking back to my previous gf Lisa; none of you know her, but you've all known your own .. not the most tantalizing ever first date (Roy, Oden, LA, Fernandez and company) and certainly, not the hottest ( Wallace, Pippen, Grant, Sabas, Stoudimire, S. Smith, Schrempf), but a relationship that you'll always remember.

Yeah, Lisa with the plain jeans and t-shirts and dutch-braided hairstyle--- none of the stretch stirrup pants, shoulder pads, huge earings, or oversized tops that were so popular back then ... But,clearly, there was something there just waiting to light up the room. The first few dates were satisfying enough... no, I wasn't proudly prancing next to her as we walked into the Shanghai Lounge, but, after a while, I noticed I preferred being with her than hanging out with the guys. She appeared to be genuinely interested in me (Lillard, Mathews), eager to please (Leonard), fun to talk to (McCollum), nagless (Aldridge, at least up until 2 mos ago), and, every once in a while, would show real sexy curves (Batum).

In time, we grew on each other and, one would say, we really had something going there after a while. And, when she finally let her hair down, bought a couple of minis, she literally had me eating out of her hands. She could do nothing wrong (Drexler, Porter, Kersey, Williams, Duckworth.)

[[Ultimately, she was not The One... (my current wife, and the love of my life is.), but this is where the analogy, and my creative writing resourcefulness, begin to break down .]]

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I am excited about this year's roster and think it definitely has the formative ingredients for what will be considered an 'era' by Blazer fans (but not necessarily the rest of basketball.) Does any one else get excited about this too (Duckworth/Lopez, Kersey/Robinson, Porter/Lillard, Drexler/Batum, Williams/LA... bear with me on the positions and comparisons, here..I for one admit they can be weak) But, can you at least see the make-up of a great entree there?

You will definitely need to experiment a bit with your cooking technique and seasoning.. a bit more Wright for Robinson, a sprinkle of Mathews, and more cooking time for Leonard. You will probably have to introduce a new main ingredient altogether down the road. Ultimately, you will have a dish that will become a staple in the Blazer menu. And, don't forget the desert (McCollum).....