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Portland Trail Blazers: Terry Stotts is Coach of the Year

The race for NBA Coach of the Year is over in early January. The reasons go well beyond team record for Terry Stotts and the Portland Trail Blazers. See them listed here.

霍华德·史密斯 - 美国今天的运动


现在是早期的,但波特兰正处于惊人的开端。这样做吗?Terry Stottsthe leading candidate for Coach of the Year?



I will go farther out on the limb than that. Unless non-injury-related disaster strikes, unless the Blazers sink all the way back to the .500 zone, Terry Stotts should win Coach of the Year running away. I respect the heck out ofFrank Vogelin Indiana but you knew thePacerswere going to be good this season and they're playing in the East. Nobody, anywhere has done more with his team against the best the league has to offer than Coach Stotts has. All ties or near-ties in the process should go to Stotts by default. Since I don't see anyone superseding him even if their team finishes with a better record, you can award that trophy right now.

Don't just rely on Portland's record. Look underneath the hood too. The Blazers' offense took some guts to implement. Few teams run a similar system--at least not to the extreme degree Portland takes it--and those that do have established superstars as a fall-back position. The Blazers were out on a wire without a net starting the season. They could have crashed and burned. Instead they're playingthemost beautiful, unselfish offense in the league. They're playing together every night, trusting each other. Anybody who's watched an NBA roster for more than two seconds understands that working hard every play for the best shot in a selfless manner is an ideal rarely achieved. The Blazers weren't playing that way last season even with heavy doses of the same starters they're fielding now. Last year you might see a few strings of decent plays each quarter and then it was theDamian Lillardshow. This year it's all about the sets in micro terms and all about the win in the big picture.

看看Stotts如何与他的两个主要明星合作。LaMarcus Aldridge有足够的才华,但今年却以混合的血统和周围的乌云密布。斯托茨(Stotts)使奥尔德里奇(Aldridge)能够像太阳一样闪耀,不仅在进攻端,而且在整个球场上以及作为团队负责人。同时,达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard)的得分更高,赢得了比赛的命中率,但作为团队合作赛的融合远远超过他作为新秀。您尝试使该积分加起来。归功于每个恒星及其队友的整体,但其中一部分也必须落在教练上。

How many times have you seen the Blazers come out flat this season? Every team has ups and downs. They're not always on top of their game. Aside from predictable bumps, how many times have you seen Portland lethargic, chaotic, disinterested, or surrendering? You have the opening game of the season and maybe Saturday's game against the Sixers...maybe. The truth is, they're never out of a game. Every valley gets followed by a peak, not because they're turning it on and off but because they stick with the system regardless of circumstance. Again, do you understand how rare that is in a professional sports team, let alone an NBA team that had little concrete reason to believe in itself or its system prior to this fall?

最好的喜神贝斯t teams play with this demeanor, franchises that have been to the Finals and understand the value of timing, perseverance, trust. Whether the Blazers have the talent and iron-clad strengths to make it that far remains to be seen. But is it more of a miracle for a team that's seen success and rewards already to remain poised and own their game or is it more of a miracle for a team that's not seen either to do so? People want to blame coaches for every little intangible that goes against their franchise. How about we blame these coaches for someseriousintangibles goingseriouslyright? While we're at it, lets credit them for the gorgeous, Ramsay-esque offense, plenty of wins, and a team that doesn't quit.

将所有内容添加起来,甚至还没有接近。年度最佳教练从来都不是要聘请最好的球队或获得最多的胜利。从历史上看,这是要与更少,令人惊讶的人一起做更多的事情,革命性的期望。现在,没有人比波特兰的教练组更多(或更好)。与精英球队和更好的教练的纪录仅巩固了这笔交易。特里·斯托茨(Terry Stotts)和他的团队应获得这个奖项,应该先发行第二波特兰的胜利专栏超过45.如果事情继续以3月初的方式继续前进,但是即使在4月中旬之前,结果都不应该改变。。在迈克·舒勒(Mike Schuler)和迈克·邓利维(Mike Dunleavy)旁边的一个地方灰尘。开拓者队将在特许经营历史上拥有年度最佳教练,也许是最值得的。

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