
ESPN: J.A. Adande and Israel Gutierrez talk about All-Star Rosters


They talk a little about Damian and Kobe's mention of him, but Adande still thinks that Kobe should be on the team regardless. And somehow Curry is the only one that can fill up the basket. Adande mentions the loss against the Kings, but fails to mention the glorious 4th quarter that Dame put up almost single handedly brought the Blazers back. Curry and Dame shooting from anywhere on the court if they got hot no matter what the East defense did would be glorious to watch. Adande also mentions that he thinks Curry and Dame would be a little overwhelmed by the All-Star weekend. I'm sorry, has he seen Damian play or read anything written about him? Dame has ice in his veins and is not afraid of anything. He puts up 20+ points and double digit assists against Kobe and the Lakers in his first pro game. I usually like and agree a lot with what J.A. says, but he couldn't be more wrong.