


你可以引用我的话。也许是时候认输了。我们有机会对西蒙斯下手了。是的,我喜欢这支球队,但我觉得球员们可以成长,这支球队可以扭转局面,成为一支精英球队……不。我相信如果我们能在不失去cj和利拉德的情况下拿下奥卡芬,我们会变得很好,或者如果我们能得到一个像汤普森那样的精英三分,我们会在大多数晚上变得非常有爆发力,不可预测和不可阻挡。这样的人可不多。我们处于第一选择的范围内,不能不去尝试。从最近的历史来看,如果像迈耶斯这样的球员想要玩游戏并坚持下去,他就应该被淘汰。是的,我认为他会进步,但我不想再冒让资产白白流失的风险。 we should have a starting lineup of lillard, cj, wiggins, towns or okafor, plus a bunch of other assets. noone should be untouchable at this moment. We could begin by giving all 15 guys minutes and rest and evaluate the rookies to see if they may be part of our future plans or if they will be cut to make room for simmions. i wouldnt be opposed to trading preferably everyone besides lillard and cj and an unprotected first for okafor. id bet the 76ers are still addicted to picks. despite and image coaching moves".
