你觉得我们会在今年的首轮顺位上选哪位?你认为我们会站在什么位置?PG吗?基本上只有布莱克在防守Dame,我们可以在这里找到一个年轻的得分手。SG吗?你对CJ和克拉布不满意吗?科幻小说吗?阿朗佐·吉跟在阿弗拉罗后面还不够好吗?PF吗?梅耶斯最近看起来好多了。 Do you not feel comfortable about moving backup centers to the 4 and back? Center? You not satisfied with the British Bulldog behind Kaman and Rolo? I suggest we tackle PG. I could understand thinking PF too but Meyers is awfully young still and is starting to hit his stride, playing better D and shooting with confidence. That's why I'm suggesting PG; Blake isn't a bad backup but he's up there in years and is not really a scoring threat, more of a reliable distributor and hustle guy. So I will guess we pick at #26 and take.. Dorell Wright's younger brother, Delon Wright out of Utah. Kind of a PG/SG but he can shoot the 3, his FT% is good and so is his overall FG%. Who do you suggest we take, and what number do you think we'll pick at?