
Meyers, Vonleh, Connaughton在夏季联赛中排名50


12.迈耶斯”…在季后赛中,他甚至在对阵孟菲斯灰熊队的第四场比赛中表现出色,以13分和13个篮板帮助球队赢得了第一轮的唯一胜利。睡在这个23岁的大个子身上,后果自负。”Vonleh:“……首先,很有希望的是,他的爆发相对来说,当然是在冲刺期间。在最后五场比赛中,他场均得到7.2分,8.6个篮板和0.6个盖帽。当你意识到他每场比赛只上场23.8分钟时,这些数字就更令人印象深刻了。“49。康诺顿:“……He happens to be a high-IQ guard, which only enhances his appeal as a role player. But between Connaughton's jumper, physical tools and bounce, he already has enough going for him. Look for him to have the green light in summer league, where he's bound to eventually catch fire from deep."