


在他的30个疯狂季节预测中:---------- 18。很难找到球队愿意为了一个不能保护篮筐的中锋而放弃任何有价值的东西;问问雄鹿吧。该死的,在一个越来越小的联盟中,很难找到任何一支球队需要另一个中锋。但武切维奇是地面低位类型球员中的美女——一个传球技术高超、篮球智商高、投篮手感充足的野兽,几乎可以延伸到三分线。这样的范围让他比格雷格·门罗、艾尔·杰弗森甚至布鲁克·洛佩兹更有可塑性。这个月底他就26岁了,还有3年(包括这个赛季)的荒谬合同。魔术队并不想交易武切维奇,但是魔术队很难为他们的大个子找到足够的上场时间。早期尝试将Vucevic和Bismack Biyombo组合在一起,结果如你所料。鹈鹕一直对安东尼·戴维斯与低位威胁的组合很感兴趣。 The Blazers have a ton of center types, but it's unclear if any of them -- including Mason Plumlee, up for what could be a pricey extension -- represent the long-term answer at the position. Portland GM Neil Olshey has chased back-to-the-basket types before. Speaking of which ... 19. Portland trades a salary for ... ? The Blazers are not going to vault $20 million or $30 million over the tax next season. They will trade one of their high-priced guys, or an impending free agent due for a raise. They don't need to trade a wing for a big man -- not with Mason Plumlee, Meyers Leonard, Festus Ezeli and Ed Davis scrapping for minutes -- but they are one of the few teams that could make that sort of swap if they find the right one. Portland knows the league is poor on wings, and bet massively on their guys having trade value -- especially when rivals strike out in free agency. -------------- Please don't trade Moe! Please don't trade Moe! Please don't trade Moe! Please don't trade Moe! Please don't trade Moe! Please don't trade Moe! Please don't trade Moe! Please don't trade Moe! Please don't trade Moe!