

我要说的这些话会让《blazersedge》的读者们大吃一惊。如此疯狂地反对运动夹克的球迷,我不会惊讶于被永远禁止。太过分了,我可能会因为这个声明而在监狱里待上一段时间。准备好听了吗?你确定吗?你是不是很焦虑,不能再等一秒钟了?好了,没有了。贸易CJ。是的没错……我说它。 I stand by it. I accept it is what this team must do to reach the next tier. I believe that McCollum is the key to future blazer success, and sadly.. it is not by being on this team. We all love CJ's game right? He's great, and there is no denying it. Here's the problem.. it's just not enough. Should we really be maxing out two backcourt players that can't play defense, can't carry a team to a championship, and won't be able to bring in that big time name that we need? Think about it. Allow these words to set in. Don't deny the inevitable because you're attached and have developed feelings. Be smart. Package CJ and a couple other players, and make the trade. I'm not going to specify any particular trade, but I will say some very important keywords of what I would look for. Defense. Center. Defensive Post presence. Offensive post presence. All-star. Californias capitol.