
Semi-Annual Kyle O'Quinn Trade Party

Hey, everybody.

自从凯尔'Qui阿nn dragged his mid-major team to the NCAA Tournament in 2012, and then upset Missouri in the first round with his 26 point, 14 rebound, 2 block, 2 assist performance, I have had a borderline-unhealthy obsession with the guy.

He slipped deep into the second round of the draft that year, because mid-major stars who upset high-seeded teams in NCAA tournaments are a bunch of unproven bums. It didn't make me like him any less.

Every trade season since, I have considered him to be one of my top 3 hopefuls, and this season is no different. For your consideration:

1) His recent 20 point, 13 rebound, 2 block performance against KAT and the Wolves, as detailed by the New York Timeshere.

2) His elite Field Goal% Differential defense, detailedhere. Click on his name, and see how the numbers become even more impressive as he gets closer to the hoop. Click on the other elite rim protectors in the list, and see how he compares.

3) He is a bench player on a team stacked with bigs, and could probably be had for a pick and/or small shooter.

What do you think, armchair GM? Is he a reasonable pickup in the upcoming trade season?