

哈桑·怀特塞德、林书豪、哈希姆·塔比特、克里斯·安德森、马尔辛·戈塔特、JJ·巴里亚和布兰登·巴斯有什么共同之处?他们都在发展联盟打过球。不只是在发展联盟打球,而是为了自己的目的而利用发展联盟。这就是在攻防两端加强漏洞,积累经验。对于年轻的Vonleh, Olshey没有使用这个工具。

Vonleh的支持者会疯掉的,但我认为这对他有很大的好处。他们会说他需要每天和NBA的天才们练习。但是在赛季中,教练和他们的球员真正有多少练习时间呢?因为游戏和旅行,那里根本没有时间。球队很少有连续两天的训练时间。球员在球场上打球会变得更好。像冯莱这样的年轻球员需要上场时间,最重要的是他们需要实战训练才能真正得到发展。我相信缺少游戏动作是他发展缓慢的主要原因。很明显,他在这里不会有那么多时间。如果Vonleh去了发展联盟,这不是对他的打击。 Plenty of players better than him have went through there. I would rather see Vonleh go through the D League than have to go through Summer League again. I don't know if there have been a lottery pick who has had to go to SL four straight years. That is not a label a young player wants to have especially if he was a top 10 pick. The D League was created for players just like Vonleh. Players who are young and players who are still growing their games but are not getting enough playing time. While his rebounding looks improved, he is still has a long way to go on offense. Last night Vonleh gets the start and how does he respond? How does he show Stotts He deserves to be in the rotation? He goes out and does a Meyers Leonard impression by getting 3 stupid fouls before he has time to break a good sweat.

我知道Vonleh是粉丝的最爱,很多粉丝会说不。我认为每场35分钟的比赛比每晚8 -10分钟的比赛要好,每周一到两场比赛。即使Stotts扮演了孩子,因为在健康的时候,Stotts甚至不会看Vonleh的方向,每个人都知道这一点。开拓者的球迷会说他正在变得越来越好,但是数据却不一样。自从成为开拓者以来,他的平均36场比赛都低于新秀时的水平。和夏洛特在一起时,他平均36分12分,抢断12次。他在PDX的两年时间是一样的。他连续两年都是场均3分3篮板的得分手。如果开拓者球迷认为Vonleh对发展联盟来说太好了,或者他去那里没有什么好处。你大错特错了。 At the rate he is going its going to be tough to play him over Layman.