
Crazy idea that will get ripped to shreds

We should tank.

You heard it hear first folks.

We are not winning a championship with this team. We are Portland a small market team thus an elite FA is out of the question. We have trade assets that can net us something, but not a someone that can step in and usurp Dame as our number 1 (let it be known I am in the firm Trade Dame circle, but realize that is most likely not going to happen).

So what do we do?

  1. Trade minor pieces and let Dame and CJ shoot us to glory? No cause that will get us to at best a first round team this year and then middle of the road and late round picks for the remainder of Dames prime.
  2. Trade Dame which is basically sacrificing your mother for you lot on here
  3. Tank and play the lottery.
Me? I go two and get Cousins some how. CJ and Cousins all day over Dame and CJ. BTW I think CJ is a better player than Dame.

But for this post and this argument? #3

Why? There is a lot of talent in this years class, we are not going anywhere this year, and we just don't have the pull to build through FA.

Who do we draft? For me it is Ball out of UCLA or Fox out of Kentucky. True PGs that can lead a team and that will play some blimey defense.