

篮球是一项团队运动,而今年的波特兰开拓者队已经证明,学会成为一个有凝聚力的团队,就能赢得胜利,即使是在逆境中。然而,显而易见的是,尽管每个玩家都做出了贡献,但有些玩家比其他人更有价值。以下是根据对团队的重要性排名的球员(在我看来),分为3个部分:benchwarmer, contributor, and Vital Pieces。


贡献者:Meyers Leonard, Maurice Harkless, Mason Plumlee, Gerald Henderson, Noah Vonleh


首先,我们来看看三个年轻人:蒙特罗、亚历山大和康诺顿。这三个人都很热情,似乎对这项运动很热爱,但除了啦啦队和学习之外,他们在其他方面都不是主要的贡献者。蒙特罗因他在场边的垃圾话而出名,但他很少在球场上露面。亚历山大受到了伤害,而且几乎经常被人遗忘。康诺顿的运动能力和投篮能力可能是这三人中最大的优势,他在圣母院大学(Notre Dame)时就表现出了这一点,但他还没有表现出自己在有限的上场时间内转变为职业球员。我还会把布莱恩·罗伯茨也算进去,尽管他的投篮能力和老将的存在会让他的价值在球队为季后赛做准备的时候不断增加。最后,我们找到了克里斯·卡曼。虽然我们很少看到波特兰最受欢迎的穴居人在球场上,但他可能是板凳球员中最重要的一个。他的存在和指导年轻球员,如诺亚·沃勒和梅森·普卢姆利,已经显示出积极的结果。他有丰富的经验,在必要的时候可以发挥有效的时间。

接下来是贡献者。我把这些玩家分成两类。第一个由Leonard, Henderson和Vonleh组成。我认为这些人对游戏做出了积极的贡献(游戏邦注:如果你是梅耶斯的话,这是偶然的),但对未来来说并不是必要的。第二个特点是普卢姆利和哈克利斯,他们是我喜欢的角色球员,我希望看到他们在波特兰继续发展,因为他们已经展示了很多能力。首先,我要说的是我已经准备好放下梅耶斯·伦纳德了。他的表现太不稳定了,在他的发展过程中,他表现出了缺乏低位比赛能力,他似乎不再适应。虽然他有时有出色的表现,但在这一点上他是非常可牺牲的。下一位是Vonleh,他还很年轻。然而,我不相信他有天赋发展成为一个有天赋的内线球员,我们需要他把我们的球队带到一个新的水平。 If he was traded this offseason for a pick or a piece, you wouldn't see me shedding a tear. Finally, I begrudgingly offer Henderson. Gerald has been one of the most pleasant surprises this year, as his money midrange game has provided consistent bench scoring, and he defends well. Though he is becoming one of my favorite Blazers, however, I don't consider him to be vital to the team's success for the future. Next up is Plumlee. Mase has had his ups and downs this year, but he's an excellent passer, is athletic, and has a high IQ. I think he will continue to improve, and is worth keeping on the squad to develop into a starting 5. Finally, we have one of my favorites, Harkless. His energy, defense, stellar rebounding numbers, and ability to finish around the rim make him a fabulous role player to bring off our bench, or even maybe start as a 3, for many years to come.

最后,我们有重要的部分。你可能会惊讶地发现艾德·戴维斯在这个组合中,但如果你看过开拓者今年的比赛,你就会看到他是如何争取每一个篮板,以及在控球失败时如何从无为中创造一些东西的能力,这让我们在很多比赛中保持着信心。下半场大部分时间里,教练斯托特都让他上场,他持续的表现使他成为球队中不可替代的一员。我希望他能一直待到退休。下一个是最大的惊喜,艾伦·克拉布。许多人,包括我自己,都已经准备好放弃ac,继续前进,因为他在坚实的防守之外并没有表现出多少能力。然而,今年,他已经发展成为一个得分武器,并提高了他已经令人印象深刻的防守能力。他的3分能力极大地帮助了Dame和C.J.,他终于有能力把球放到地板上了。如果他继续以这样的速度进步,我认为他是未来的第六人候选人。第三,我们到达了阿米努。 This selection is more of a present than a future pick, as I think Harkless will quickly surpass Chief in importance and contribution. This season, however, Farouq has been a solid addition. Though his offensive game is inconsistent, and often lacking, his stellar defense has been huge during this stretch of winning. The other night against Indiana, his defense against Paul George was a main reason we were able to win the game handily. Earlier this year, he held LeBron James to 11 points. For this season, Aminu is one of the most important Blazers. Next, of course, is the runaway Most Improved Player, C.J. McCollum. Having him and Dame as one of the best backcourts in the league is probably the biggest reason why we are the winning team no one thought we would be. C.J. will be an All-Star in a few years, mark my words. Finally, the most important Trail Blazer is, of course, MVP candidate Damian Lillard. I don't need to say much about what he brings to the table, but his recent run of 30 point games, his 51 point outburst against Golden State, and his takeover against Oklahoma City earlier in the year should do most of the talking.
