
It would have been a successful season

It would have been a successful season...

  • if the new Blazers roster played entertaining basketball and adapted to Stott's system but Damian didn't become the clear Franchise leader

It would have been a successful season...

  • if Damian became the clear Franchise leader but CJ didn't become a near all-star and win the MIP

It would have been a successful season...

  • if CJ became a near all-star and won the MIP but Mason, Aminu and Harkless didn't have career years

It would have been a successful season...

  • if Mason, Aminu and Harkless had career years but the Blazers didn't hand Golden State their worst loss of the regular season after the all-star break

It would have been a successful season...

  • if the Blazers handed Golden State their worst loss of the regular season but weren't in the playoff conversation
It would have been a successful season...
  • if the Blazers were in the playoff conversation but didn't break .500
It would have been a successful season...
  • if the Blazers broke .500 but didn't make the playoffs
It would have been a successful season...
  • if the Blazers made the playoffs but didn't get the 5th seed
It would have been a successful season...
  • if the Blazers got the 5th seed but were beaten by the Clippers
It would have been a successful season...
  • if the Blazers beat by the Clippers but were swept by Golden State
It would have been a successful season...
  • if the Blazers won a game against Golden State but lost the series.

It's been a successful season guys.