

我最近看到了很多批评普拉姆利的评论。听着,我知道他不是个威胁。我知道有时候他会移交,但如果你想要一个10人协助的中心,这就是你必须付出的代价。我认为从各方面考虑,他在中心做得很好。如果你仔细想想,他的表现和我们队很合拍。我们的得分来自CJ/Dame,所以还有什么比一个能在好位置给他们送球的中锋更好的呢?每个人都想签下一个中锋,而这个新的热门项目被称为“伸展4号”。是的,4会有帮助。我一想到杜兰特就垂涎三尺。但一个需要喂食的5 ? Sure, Whiteside is defensive and doesn't need the ball but do you want to pay the Max for him? Dwight Howard? A whiney man-child who can't get half the assists Plumlee gets and needs to be fed the ball? I say, Plumlee has room to grow and I can't wait to see him start for us next season. What do you say?