
Allen Crabbe Sign & Trade

Hey guys,

Big time sixers fan here, hope you guys don't hold it against me. Earlier this season I think all of us over at Liberty Ballers had pipe dreams of a potential CJ for Okafor swap. It made a little bit more sense before CJ exploded onto the scene and turned the Blazers backcourt into must watch TV and one of the best backcourts in the entire league. This week a report came out that the sixers were interested in signing Crabbe, but seeing as he's restricted, I assume signing him won't be easy. If you guys strike out on the big name centers such as Dwight or Whiteside, think there will be any interest in a sign and trade centered around Crabbe and Okafor? Will it require any filler on either side, or are you guys just not even interested in Jah? I'd love to see your guys opinions in the comments below!