
Considering Matching of Crabbe offer

It is still a WOW when I think about the Nets' offer to Crabbe. I honestly don't know what I would do. Here are a few considerations as I see it:

- Do you match a bad contract and live with hanging around the tax line?

- Do you lose a valuable asset for nothing?

- Can you replace the production?

This last one is what I have been mulling. There are 2 options: trade a front court player (which is now overloaded) for a replacement of Crabbe OR bring in a veteran for a minimum contract - if you can get one for that. Perusing the list of who is left, these are the only potential viable options for the Blazers, but not sure any would come to Portland for the minimum.

  • Kirk Hinrich
  • Jason Terry
  • Gerald Green
  • Alonzo Gee
  • Randy Foye
  • Kevin Martin

I left off candidates like Stephenson and JR because there is no way the Blazers consider them. So if you could get one of these for about $2.5M would you do it and let Crabbe walk? Are there any you might really want on this team, and would they play if we bring Harkless and Leonard back? Are trades available?

If not, I think you have to swallow the Crabbe contract and see how the first half of the season goes. I would like to see them sign at least Harkless before accepting the contract so that the Nets don't turn around and give him a ridiculous offer, too. He is another very valuable piece and will either be traded or needed if others are traded later for the "next big piece."

Good luck with this one, Neil.