
Larry Sanders talks about joining GSW or CLE...

So uh please tell me, why aren't we, why haven't we made a run at Sanders. He supposedly impressed in a workout with Golden State which means he must be at least on the level of being worth a "take a flyer" signing. We desperately need front court help. Yes I know we have several dozen Nickels at front court, but we need a dollar. Larry Sanders has the potential to be a dollar and would be super cheap someone please explain to me. If GSW or CLE are willing to risk CHAMPIONSHIP chemistry for this guy, why can't we give it a whirl for us to be competitive and a shot at improving to that level? This super conservative stupidity seems to plague Portland way beyond other teams. Is this a Paul Allen thing or what because we've been way too hesitant and conservative for years now almost never swinging for the fences. It's frustrating.