
14Jul16 Ornamental Hermit Junk

I was reminded yesterday about one of my all time favorite shows Worst Jobs in History hosted by Tony "I have a cunning plan" Robinson. I know there was a recent JD on worst jobs and that's not ground I'm looking to cover again. If you have had a bad day at work all the episodes are available on YouTube and watching any one I find gives both gives me perspective and makes me fill a little better about my own plight.

At this point you must be wondering "What about the Hermits" hold your horses I'm getting to it. So I rewatched the episode on Georgian England (1714-1830) and during this period the Gentry moved from desiring gardens that were very refined and ordered to gardens that looked more like the wilderness. So they would pay great sums of money to have gardens perfectly designed and planted to look like the chaos of nature or at least what a wealthy nobleman thought the chaos of nature should look like. Of course for the truly wealthy and discerning country gentlemen the cherry on top of this man made wilderness was to have his very own hermit living in cave or hovel within it. The hermits were hired for years at a time and might be required to not bathe or speak or even contemplate a skull or old tome whenever someone would come by. What is the point of this probably not much except to prove that no matter the time or place the super wealthy will spend their money on some ridiculous things.