
Cheer up Rip City, Neil knows what he is doing. 50 wins is possible if we accept who we are.

首先,对于所有在印象深刻的球迷,天空都在下降,因为我们没有得到怀特塞德,霍福德甚至是德怀特,我想问你们,您期望什么?我们是一个小型市场团队,有不友好的税收状况,这是一个不幸的NBA事实,即Max-or-Near-Max球员不会离开他们当前的球队,他们已经为小型市场团队打了多年的球队实际上,当阿尔德里奇(Aldridge)离开圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)时,开拓者的球迷们痛苦地见证了亲眼目睹),实际上,大型NBA球员与小型市场团队签约是如此罕见,以至于格雷格·梦露(Greg Monroe)在2014年(选择密尔沃基(Milwaukee))在各种性感的目的地上),这变得有点故事,并由众多体育作家讨论。迈阿密对我们的主要自由球员目标(Whiteside)进行了修饰和拥抱,这有点不幸。如果只有像犹他州这样的城市找到了他,并将他从每年20,000美元的球员转变为他现在的每年2500万美元的球员。无论哪种方式,Whiteside的故事都是惊人的,即使结局对开拓者来说是一个可悲的故事。

Portland isn't Miami, but we can still sign players the same way they do: By throwing millions of dollars at them, Last year, there wasn't quite the same uproar over our first signing as there was this year, but there were still plenty of fans and writers from around the league who said we overpaid for our first free agent acquisition of 2015 (Aminu). Smarter writers and fans realized the Aminu deal would look amazing when the NBA salary cap sky-rocketed this year (and they were right.) As I will now kindly ask: how does that 4 year $30 million deal look now? Pretty good, especially because based on the way Aminu played last year (plus factoring in how he'll continue to develop), we have a near-blue-chip trade commodity on our hands now.

与去年的第一个自由球员签约不同,今年的第一个(7月1日举行)使西装外套的粉丝如此难以置信,困惑和愤怒,以至于官方公告页面has accumulated a record 1,332 comments and counting. And the Blazer fans were not alone with their doubts and pessimism with multiple news outlets questioning the deal.Sports Illustrated even gave it a D+ grade.我承认,像许多其他人一样,我不喜欢埃文·特纳(Evan Turner)签约。但是经过深思熟虑,我意识到,当我们对钱德勒·帕森斯(Chandler Parsons)鞭打时,我们知道我们无法获得我们想要(并且需要)的任何前场球员时,尼尔·奥尔希(Neil Olshey)参加了他的计划B:埃文·特纳(Evan Turner)。尼尔·奥尔希(Neil Olshey)以他刚才提到的阿米努交易(Aminu Deal)等小价值签名而闻名。让他付给一名替补球员,他去年平均每场比赛得到10分,4000万美元在4年中,我认为我们不知道很多。一:为什么价格这么高?也许是一场竞标战?二:为什么尼尔认为这位球员对获得如此重要,足够重要,足以打开他的钱包比以往任何时候都为西装外套自由球员所做的要多?在这一点上(这是由上面的1,332条评论证明的)我们所能做的就是推测。

After reading Boston's farewell articles to Turner and doing some research on him, its obvious we are getting a glue player that has a ton of room to develop. Along with his 10 points, he also averaged (rounded up) 5 assists and 5 rebounds. In that aspect (filling up the stat sheet), he reminds me of a mini-Batum, Another plus is that he can play (and defend) the 2-3 (and if we really need him to, he can play and defend the point as well). I don't know about starting him because I like Aminu at the 3, But I think barring some miraculous trade, our team will be set once we get rid of Henderson, allowing us to re-sign Crabbe, Harkless, and Meyers, yes Meyers.

Just like most of you, I got to witness Blazer fans actually cheering Meyers and at the same time admitting that they were wrong in calling him a lottery bust during his whole young career. The reason fans opinions changed about Meyers is because he showed what he could do those last few months of the 2014-2015 season (including the Memphis series). Unfortunately, it was just superb three point shooting. I would have much rather seen him getting some offensive rebounds and put-backs but he spent more time out behind the 3-point line than in the paint. Then last year he suffered from inconsistent shooting and then injuries which eventually ended his year. I was pretty sure the Blazers were going to let him go. But one day while playing poker in Portland, a fellow Blazer fan told me we absolutely need to keep Leonard to spread the floor especially since Turner's only real shot is a mid-range one. But more importantly, since we have missed on all of the good centers in this class of free agents, We need him to earn the starting center spot by focusing on rebounds, blocks, and defense rather than just 3-pointers. But can he do that? Is he really capable of being a grinder? In my opinion, what to do with Meyers Leonard is the toughest remaining offseason decision for the Blazers.

If we don't resign Leonard, I am one of the few people who believe in Plumlee. I mean if he can improve his free throw % as much as he did in the regular season, than surly he is capable of developing a 10 foot jumper this off-season. And as a believer in Plumlee, I have hope that he can also work on his rebounds, blocks, and defense rather than assists.

除非尼尔通过签署Pau Gasol或交易C,J,否则犯了一个灾难性的错误,我们将获得Lillard,McCollum,Turner,Crabbe,Crabbe,Aminu,Harkless,Harkless,Davis,Vonleh,Leonard,Leonard,Leonard,Leonard,lillard,McCollum,Turner,Crabbe,Crabbe,Crabbe,Crabbe,Crabbe,Crabbe和Plumlee,在休赛期之后尼尔/斯特茨(Neil/Stotts)能够做的事情,想象一下他们可以用联盟第二佳的后场做什么,一个防守胶的人,可以填补统计表并捍卫/捍卫多个位置,改进的Aminu(失误较少),Harkless(更好的射击),戴维斯(围绕轮圈的柔和触摸),Vonleh(上述所有),Plumlee(套头衫和盖帽的能力),伦纳德(保持健康)以及也可以阻止的能力)。想象一下,如果所有这些球员都获得了我在括号中强调的技能。我们可能会成为50胜的球队!当我说接受我们是谁时,这就是我的意思。我们将成为一支小球团队,从后场获得大部分得分(就像去年一样),我们需要拥抱我们拥有的球员,并且知道尼尔·奥尔希(Neil Olshey)有一个计划使我们变得更好,这么多人怀疑他从一个签约中怀疑的事实是可悲的。本文的重点是让人们相信并回到心态:“我们信任的尼尔。”

As a casual writer, I would love any feedback and thoughts. Also, there is a poll where you can vote on how many wins you think we're going to get this year, Thank you for reading! Go Blazers!