


看看这个链接,它显示了不同数据中的联盟领袖。密切关注下半场的防守数据:1。区块%(排名7)防守率(19 -非常令人印象深刻,因为公牛队被认为是一支防守不佳的球队)3。防守赢球份额(名单上的14名球员被认为是优秀的防守球员)5.单词addition联想记忆:(18)如果把这些数据放到适当的环境中来看,那就相当令人印象深刻了。尤其是防守评级统计你会发现大量的圣安东尼奥马刺队和亚特兰大老鹰队的球员,因为他们的首发阵容的防守很好,但有加索尔在统计时玩一个低于平均水平的防守团队(Mirotic是他前场的伙伴:))如果我们有机会to add Gasol it would mean a very skilled and unselfish offensive player (without mentioning the added spacing he gives Lillard / CJ / Turner to drive to the rim due to his ability to consistently hit a jumper) as well as being an improvement defensively at the starting center position .. Pretty much you can talk yourself into Gasol being an ideal get for the Blazers in free agency