
Poll: Do you think Ezeli's injury history makes him too risky for the Blazers to sign?

The Blazers are meeting with Festus Ezeli and performing a physical. If Ezeli passes the physical and the Blazers sign him it could be a big free agency win. It all depends on if Ezeli stays healthy.

I just looked Ezeli's injury history up on Wikipedia ( and he had microfracture surgery on his right knee in 2013, sprained his left ankle in late 2014, and in early 2016 he had arthroscopic surgery on his left knee to clear out debris.

The fact that Ezeli has not had repeated injuries on the same knee or ankle makes me feel a little better, but maybe wikipedia is missing something. Are there other Ezeli injuries out there that I have missed?

If Ezeli passes the physical and the Blazers sign him what would the line-up look like? I am guessing Harkless will be the one who is renounced with the Turner signing, and I think Plumlee would be the odd man out in the big man rotation:


What do you think, sign Ezeli? How would the line-up look? We're on the BlazersEdge of our seats!