




进攻篮板也从一场16个下降到11个,这本来是不应该发生的。我们是全年篮板最好的球队之一。也就是少了5次进攻,你就没有额外的得分机会了。再一次。这可能是前进和度假的区别。当我们在这两项数据中击败对手时,无论对手是谁,我们都是一个坚强的对手。如果我们还有希望在下一两个赛季挑战前四名,我们需要开始在客场打得更加稳定。这是一个必须的。在赛场上打出50%的胜率将是今年朝着正确方向迈出的一大步。这需要成为一个团队目标。 It will be a huge challenge because of youth but this is NO team. These are the players he hand picked and unless a trade happens this will be our team for a while. Youth can't be a excuse. Everyone got their feet wet last year in the postseason including Ezeli and Turner.

当我们离开摩达中心时,我们的防守让我们失望了。我们现在(理论上)有3个后卫。球队现在有了一个急需的篮框后卫。它现在有可能是联盟中最好的后备——普拉姆利。我不确定特纳是否能像巴图姆一样防守控卫,但他必须这样做。波士顿是一支防守很好的球队,我相信他在这方面也有功劳。但西方是另一种动物。这里没有像东部那样的夜晚。去年对方的后场得到了他们想要的。尤其是在季后赛期间。 Dame and CJ have to improve their defense. Fans seem to think their defense will improve with a rim protector. I am not so sure. If both continue to struggle on defense you have to take a hard look at moving CJ. If we are to play championship basketball I think it has to happen.


在我看来,任何少于44胜的都是失败。如果不能回到第二轮,那就是失败。团队必须迈出下一步。这是一双巨大的鞋子,但这是在大多数人认为是重建的第一年进入季后赛所创造的野兽NO。NO似乎相信如果阿米努在4号位,我们会比他在3号位更有实力。他似乎相信这支球队有可能取得50胜。我认为那是不可能的。上赛季为了达到44胜,我们做了很多事情。这将是一支不同的球队,但西方有实力。我仍然认为我们是一支季后赛球队。 Some where around 7 or 8 is where I would put us. A lot depends on Ezeli and Turner. They have to give us some type of offense to go with their D. Dame and CJ badly need help. Turner has to hit his threes and Ezeli has to give us some points in the paint. I expect both to play over 30 minutes a night. We all know how hard Stotts rides his starters. Thats his style and that wont change this year. I look for Ezeli to put up a double double in this offense. If he can give us two blocks a night with solid defense I will be very happy. It worries me a little bit because teams stayed away from Ezeli. Solomon Hill got 12 million per year and he avg something like 4ppg last year. Ezeli, RFA and all should have had more interest on the open market. Olshey was smart and protected the team with the deal he gave him. I really hope Ezeli works out though. I expect Turner to get minutes at times with the bench. With that unit he can have the ball in his hands a lot and he has to produce. If these things don't happpen, making the playoffs will be a struggle.