

我不希望看到开拓者交易哈克。我认为开拓者中只有4个人投篮可靠:麦科勒姆、达姆、克拉布和哈克里斯。他们,再加上普拉利,都有篮球天赋。迈尔斯·伦纳德看起来做每件事之前都要思考,这让他行动缓慢……他不知道防守的方向。自新秀赛季以来,他有进步吗?是的。他有时能点燃它吗?是的,如果他很自信的话。但当伦纳德、阿米努(‘上帝保佑我们,他又要投篮了’,或者‘上帝保佑我们,他得到了一个篮板,现在他又开始运球了’)或者特纳投篮时,我不得不闭上眼睛。是的,伦纳德、特纳和阿米努都有一定的技能,有时候他们可以把球投进去,但我会在交易哈克里斯之前把他们三个都交易掉,我认为哈克里斯是一个完整的球员,他只会变得更好。 Plumley is a tweener: if he was 25 pounds heavier and 3 inches taller he'd be a beast; as it is, the really big guys eat him up, even Vuyucic (sp) who's not that big. I love his game, smarts, skills, and appreciate that he's developing a little 12 footer, but, we need a real big. I would trade anyone on this team happily except for Crabbe, Dame, McCollum and Harkless.