

大家好,我是雅乐。在这篇文章的开头,我先全面地解释一下你将要读到的一些极其重要的东西:我不是那种关注篮球统计数据的人/通常不关心这些数据。我一直都很欣赏那些能看懂古埃及象形文字的人。我也会取笑那些使用它们的人,因为我总是认为这些统计数据会让我远离游戏。后来我在这方面放松了一些。我知道那些外国的,看起来疯狂的数字可能会有帮助。我在现实生活中做的一部分工作就是调查……“问题”,并试图解决它们。尽管我很年轻,还有很多东西要学,但正是这种想要解决问题的自然愿望,让我在我的职业生涯中迄今为止显得与众不同。说到这里,我决定看看这些疯狂的数字。有三件事引起了我的注意。 1. Damian Lillard is by far the best player on the team; shocker I know. 2. The rest of the team is a crock-pot gumbo of mismatched mediocre. But the most surprising thing I noticed was how awful Jusuf Nurkic's stats looked. His stats were as follows: USG rate 28.0%, Win Shares 0.5, Offensive Box Plus/Minus -4.7, Defensive BPM 2.0, Box Plus Minus -2.7, Value Over Replacement Player -0.1, and to top it all off: a league average PER of 15. So my question is to you; is there something I'm missing here? Is it my lack of knowledge when it comes to stats, and Jusuf is actually killing it? Are Jusuf's numbers actually as bad as they appear? If his numbers are terrible, my question becomes; why is his usage rate so high? Like I said, I don't know anything really about what these numbers truly mean. But I gotta say, they seem bad to your average fan that's just looking at them with no context. If someone would like to enlighten me--or walk me back from the ledge--please feel free to do so in the comment section.