
Portland signed ball

Hello. Im from Croatia and i have this ball and i want to know how much this ball is worth?

The club "Portland Trail Blazers' first stop in the NBA, a dream that has come true for one of the greatest basketball talent that Europe has ever had. Everything has already been said a long time ago and known. The ball was signed after training Portland from all the players, the main and auxiliary coaches and D.Petrovica "rookie" - his first year in the NBA with the number 44th It was signed at the beginning of the season 89/90, in late September early October 1989 After that, the ball is placed in a glass box where she stood to this day. It looks like when it is signed. A fantastic and amazing opportunity. One unique gift for all fans of basketball and Drazen. Not only because of the teasing, but also the whole of Portland that this season was one of the best ever, (59-23) and the year in which they lost in the final of the Detroit Pistons Other players signed on the ball two times All-Star Kevin Duckwort who died in 2008, Clyde (the Glyde) Drexler ......