


卡梅隆·安东尼想留在NBA,他想成为一个高度市场化的球员,他想赢。如果卡梅罗转会到玫瑰城,为开拓者打球,所有这些事情都会发生。唯一的挑战就是让他一开始就抓住这个机会。目前,仍有报道称,甜瓜只愿意放弃他的交易禁止条款,与德安东尼的火箭一起打球。火箭拥有他想要的一切。他们在一个巨大的市场,他们在赢球,即使没有卡梅隆,他们也能赢球,他们有高度市场化的球员,世界知名的球员。詹姆斯·哈登有胡子,他有自己的糖果。克里斯·保罗刚从洛杉矶搬来。他主演了州立农场的广告。他和詹姆斯·哈登是非常有吸引力的二人组。 However, so do Dame Lillard and CJ McCollum. Neither is as marketable as the beard or CP3, but there's no question that they could become that someday. They're both about to enter their prime, and it would be a shame for them to spend that time chasing the 8th seed, as talented as they are.


在那之后,开拓者只能做一件事。他们等待。没必要直接跳到休斯顿的前面,让休斯顿落后就好。休斯顿没有得到他。他们不能。他们不会找到一支愿意接受瑞安·安德森合同的球队。安德森将在未来3年内支付6100万美元。他能投3分,场均能得到10-15分。就是这样。优秀的球员。 Not a $20M per year player. The Blazers certainly won't take that contract, specifically because they want Carmelo for themselves, and every NBA team knows they'll be fools to take on Anderson's contract. So you can assume that the Rockets won't come through with a deal for Melo. Eventually Melo will snap. His patience will run out and he will care more about leaving New York than leaving New York FOR Houston. He hasn't said he's willing to waive his no trade clause for the Blazers, but that doesn't mean he couldn't change his mind soon. The Blazers have pieces like Harkless, Meyers Leonard, and Noah Vonleh that they could send over. Dame and CJ have recruited him well, even though its hard to sugarcoat a move from the big city to Oregon. But the Blazers can only wait now, until Carmelo gives up on the Rockets, and moves on, hopefully to Blazers. After all, it would be a fun team to watch