
Can the Blazers trade for AD?

Just read Lowe's ESPN articleAD Trade Would Totally Change the NBAand it sounded like it may be a forgone conclusion that Anthony Davis is going to the Lakers to play with LeBron. Barf. Diarrhea. Double self-eye gouge.

But, if AD turns down the supermax offer, as the article mentions, then he essentially ~ immediately ~ becomes a must-trade for the Pelicans. To avoid him going to the Lakers, and because it's an opportunity to acquire one of the best basketball players of this generation, what can the Blazers do to get him?

Yes, he'd be a likely one-season rental, but if you trade for him and he walks, you then forced your own hand to start a rebuild/reboot. But, you had a Toronto (Kawhi) or OKC-like (PG13) chance to convince him to stay.

So, assuming that the only way Davis would stay in Portland would be to play with Dame (and that's what we all really want anyway), what's the best package that Portland can offer?

I'm going to suggest this:CJ, Nurk, Collins and all the picks we can trade for AD and either Solomon Hill or E'twaun Moore(two meh players with legit contracts to balance the dollars of giving up both CJ and Nurk). Sure, CJ + picks for AD straight up would clear Legal, but New Orleans won't do that.

Is this package good enough to get AD if New Orleans gets into the situation where they must trade him or risk him walking for zero compensation? Can the Blazers do better, or can they offer enough to get AD at all?